Upcoming ATAP Events

As an ATAP member, you have exclusive access to ATAP events. Each quarter, members also get together for a book club where we discuss a book that is announced during the prior quarter. ATAP's mission is to advance global talent acquisition and we are focused on bringing you timely and actionable content so that we can all advance together.


  • Practitioner Webinar: ATAP's professional development committee curates a list of speakers for the year, leveraging feedback from the member survey. The discussion is focused on our theme for the month and led by a member of the committee. These discussions are 30 minutes and focused on actionable content. This is a Zoom webinar. Attendees will not be on camera/mic but can submit questions in the chat.


  • Recruiting Roundtable: Have you ever thought about how great it would be to sit down with other TA professionals on a regular basis and “talk shop”? That opportunity is here! In this monthly meeting, members gather to discuss the topic for the month, including thoughts about the Practitioner Webinar. The discussion is hosted by a member of the professional development committee. This is a Zoom meeting and attendees can choose to be on or off camera. Attendees can expect to discuss the topic for the month and participate in engaging discussions focused on TA!


  • Book Club: Each quarter, the book for the following quarter will be announced. ATAP members will meet each quarter to discuss the book for that quarter. As often as possible, we will also have the author join us! This is a zoom meeting and attendees can choose to be on or off camera. You will have the opportunity to join an active discussion with your fellow members and ask the author questions.


Please follow us on LinkedIn and stay tuned to the monthly newsletter for ongoing updates. Sign up early and for as many events as you'd like!


Recruiting Roundtable – “Candidate Selection”

We're getting excited for July's Recruiting Roundtable, happening Thursday, July 20th at 12:30ET, led by Savannah Bishop!
This event is for ATAP members to take some time to get together and have an informal conversation about their own thoughts and experiences based on the guest speaker's presentation from the monthly practitioner webinar.
If you're not a member, please join us! atapglobal.org to become a member and take advantage of the learning and networking opportunities available every month! Corporate memberships are available, email contact@atapglobal.org and join with your whole team.

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