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Breaking Down Silos to Build an Industry: Meet Tim Sackett

Having spent over 20 years in the Talent Acquisition industry in corporate and agency positions alike, ATAP Board Member Tim Sackett has come to realize that at the end of the day, recruiting is recruiting.

While individual industries and organizations possess unique needs for talent acquisition, there is a foundational skillset and purpose that they all share. This shared interest, the HRU Technical Resources President shares, is the reason an organization like ATAP needs to exist: to break down these silos and unite the competing forces of Talent Acquisition.


“The reason an organization like ATAP needs to exist: to break down these silos and unite the competing forces of Talent Acquisition.”


Only together can the industry take on the business community as a whole, righting the misconception that the job ends when the contract is signed; Talent Acquisition is about bettering the organization’s talent at every level.


Besides bringing the best talent in, Talent Acquisition ensures that that talent continues to grow and develop throughout their career at the organization and beyond.

Helping the business community to make this shift in awareness will take time, but together the members of ATAP are creating a strong foundation for the profession, a foundation on which the unique traits of each industry niche will flourish.

Looking to bust out of your silo? Become a member of ATAP today!

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